Welcome one and all to Kevin's Training Log. I play in B7's in the NSW Parramatta District Grade. I'm probably a bowler trying hard to become more of a batter as well. I'm 18 years old at the moment trying to improve as much as I can to maybe one day make it into a better/ more competitive grade. Hope you find my training logs useful and maybe even provide suggestions .
06 Dec 08 at 00:10
Posts: 3
Joined: 05 Dec 08
GOAL: Improve and quicken arm speed
1. Once a week (Either on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday), I undertake Boxing with a personal trainer at my gym. The boxing work consists of various combinations of punches such as jabs, crosses and uppercuts done at an intensive rate. As soon as about two minutes of boxing is done, I jump on two minutes of cardio- so about 500 m of rowing or other alternatives such as treadmill etc.
2. A day after 'Boxing', I do clap push-ups in sets. I try to progress to get in as much as possible. After about the 4th-set, I'm buggered meaning I have to do clap push-ups on my knees.
3. At training, I use heavier and lighter balls to try and quicken my arm speed to gain better performance. However, after about 3 weeks of this, I've given up on it as I don't see much use to it if I'm already doing the other two. So as a result, I just use th is time to practise my line and length.
*This training log is just for my aim to improve arm speed. Keep posted to see my training log for general fitness and strength*
RESULTS SO FAR: Surprisingly, I see my training influencing my batting a lot more than my bowling. My shots are coming out quicker and my hands are much more responsive to what my brain's telling it to do.
06 Dec 08 at 06:35
David Hinchliffe
Posts: 5540
Joined: 06 Mar 18
How many days a week do you do cricket training Kevin?
07 Dec 08 at 12:37
Posts: 3
Joined: 05 Dec 08
We have one team training session a week where 'actual cricket' is trained Dave, but I do about 3-4 times a week gym-work. So that's mainly strengthening and conditioning and at our team training, I practice the technical side of the cricket.
17 Dec 08 at 11:49
Posts: 6
Joined: 02 Sep 08
How's your progress Kevin?
22 Dec 08 at 11:16
Posts: 2
Joined: 22 Dec 08
Sorry I've had login problems so I made a new account . In terms of progress, I think I've had positive signs. I got my highest score batting on the weekend making 41 not out and I just felt that all my training was paying off as my responsiveness was a lot quicker. I haven't found much of a difference in my bowling just yet but am still persisting.
22 Dec 08 at 11:31
Posts: 2
Joined: 22 Dec 08
Kevins Holiday Training Workout
Aim: Keep body fat level to a minimum and maintain fitness levels (because we all know that things go haywire during the christmas period)
Monday: Strength Training
- 1 minute of bench press (suitable weight) FOLLOWED BY 1 minute dips FOLLOWED BY 1 minute rest (3 sets)
- 1 minute overhead press FOLLOWED BY 1 minute push ups (on knees if I can't cope) FOLLOWED BY 1 minute rest (3 sets)
- 1 minute planks (3 sets)(1 minute rest in between)
Wednesday: Interval Training
- Running for 100m and having 30 second breaks in between (20 minutes)
- 1 km jog (back home from the park)
Thursday: Legs and lower body training
- Walking Lunges (4 sets)
- Static Lunges (4 sets)
- Squats (4 sets)
*I plan to have random net sessions thrown in there as well which will probably be on the Saturdays (When we usually have our games*
22 Dec 08 at 13:36
David Hinchliffe
Posts: 5540
Joined: 06 Mar 18
Looks good Kevin.
21 Jun 09 at 07:22
Posts: 12
Joined: 04 Jun 09
Hi Kevin,
By looking at your training i guess you are a fast bowler...
11 Aug 09 at 05:37
Kevin (not verified)
That's right Mujthaba. Gotta love the fast bowlers.
At the moment, this is what my training looks like.
Monday- Weights session (Squats, dumb bell bench press, body weight exercises like chinups/pull ups etc)
Tuesday- Nothing due to university and work commitments
Wednesday- Core stability and other core exercises. (Planks and various other exercises using a medicine ball and the big gym ball)
Thursday- Fitness (Interval sprints)
Friday- Nothing due to university and work commitments
Posts: 3
GOAL: Improve and quicken arm speed
1. Once a week (Either on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday), I undertake Boxing with a personal trainer at my gym. The boxing work consists of various combinations of punches such as jabs, crosses and uppercuts done at an intensive rate. As soon as about two minutes of boxing is done, I jump on two minutes of cardio- so about 500 m of rowing or other alternatives such as treadmill etc.
2. A day after 'Boxing', I do clap push-ups in sets. I try to progress to get in as much as possible. After about the 4th-set, I'm buggered meaning I have to do clap push-ups on my knees.
3. At training, I use heavier and lighter balls to try and quicken my arm speed to gain better performance. However, after about 3 weeks of this, I've given up on it as I don't see much use to it if I'm already doing the other two. So as a result, I just use th is time to practise my line and length.
*This training log is just for my aim to improve arm speed. Keep posted to see my training log for general fitness and strength*
RESULTS SO FAR: Surprisingly, I see my training influencing my batting a lot more than my bowling. My shots are coming out quicker and my hands are much more responsive to what my brain's telling it to do.
Posts: 5540
How many days a week do you do cricket training Kevin?
Posts: 3
We have one team training session a week where 'actual cricket' is trained Dave, but I do about 3-4 times a week gym-work. So that's mainly strengthening and conditioning and at our team training, I practice the technical side of the cricket.
Posts: 6
How's your progress Kevin?
Posts: 2
. In terms of progress, I think I've had positive signs. I got my highest score batting on the weekend making 41 not out and I just felt that all my training was paying off as my responsiveness was a lot quicker. I haven't found much of a difference in my bowling just yet but am still persisting.
Sorry I've had login problems so I made a new account
Posts: 2
Kevins Holiday Training Workout
Aim: Keep body fat level to a minimum and maintain fitness levels (because we all know that things go haywire during the christmas period)
Monday: Strength Training
- 1 minute of bench press (suitable weight) FOLLOWED BY 1 minute dips FOLLOWED BY 1 minute rest (3 sets)
- 1 minute overhead press FOLLOWED BY 1 minute push ups (on knees if I can't cope) FOLLOWED BY 1 minute rest (3 sets)
- 1 minute planks (3 sets)(1 minute rest in between)
Wednesday: Interval Training
- Running for 100m and having 30 second breaks in between (20 minutes)
- 1 km jog (back home from the park)
Thursday: Legs and lower body training
- Walking Lunges (4 sets)
- Static Lunges (4 sets)
- Squats (4 sets)
*I plan to have random net sessions thrown in there as well which will probably be on the Saturdays (When we usually have our games*
Posts: 5540
Looks good Kevin.
Posts: 12
Hi Kevin,
By looking at your training i guess you are a fast bowler...
That's right Mujthaba. Gotta love the fast bowlers.
At the moment, this is what my training looks like.
Monday- Weights session (Squats, dumb bell bench press, body weight exercises like chinups/pull ups etc)
Tuesday- Nothing due to university and work commitments
Wednesday- Core stability and other core exercises. (Planks and various other exercises using a medicine ball and the big gym ball)
Thursday- Fitness (Interval sprints)
Friday- Nothing due to university and work commitments
Saturday- Optional fitness session (Doesn't always happen though)
Sunday- Nets session with a few mates from the team with a specific target for the session.
How did the arm speed thing work out Kevin?!